Top Hair Salon Located in East


East Vancouver's Premier Hair Salon: Your Go-To Destination for
Hair Care Services, located right on Main Street!

Tues to Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun: Closed
Mon: Closed

4933 Main St
Vancouver, BC

why oro hair studio?

We're experts at our craft, but more than anything else, we cherish our connection with you!

At Oro, we're dedicated to offering more than best results when it comes to hair. We provide a haven where you can unwind, rejuvenate, and savour moments of relaxation, all while feeling like you're a part of our Oro family!

We're heart-led; and that means that we believe in spreading love, through helping you become the best, most confident version of yourself.

Browse our list of services and pricing

our services

Visit our hair salon

located in the thriving East Vancouver neighbourhood

Tues to Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun: Closed
Mon: Closed
Book now

4933 Main St
Vancouver, BC

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